Wider Opportunities

Student Leadership Opportunities at Hawkley Hall High School.


  • Students engage in extra-curricular activities and playing an active part in the school community.
  • Students further develop resilience, confidence and independence.
  • Students support each other with learning and other aspects of school life.
  • Students have more opportunity to engage in purposeful activity during unstructured time.
  • Students gain more opportunities to build links beyond the school with charities, education providers including primary schools and other organisations.
  • Students engage in Student Voice activities that impact on school provision.

Current Student Leadership Opportunities:

  • Year 11 Leadership Team: A group of Senior Prefects led by the Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies. They carry out a variety of tasks including working closely with the school SLT, leading student panel interviews for teaching posts, presenting to different groups through assembly and other forums, leading student reviews of school practice, school tours and chairing meetings
  • Year 11 Prefect Team: Students supervise areas and assist students at break and lunchtime. They also support school events such as Open Evening and Parent’s Evening. They receive training before commencing the role.
  • Shadow Y10 Prefect team: They cover for Year 11 student prefects, gaining experience of the role.
  • Form Representatives: Students are elected to represent their form and contribute to whole school improvements. For example, reviewing the ‘Hawkley Way’.
  • Transition Buddies: Students in KS3 that support Year 5 and 6 students on visits to school and during their initial period of settling in.
  • Young Researchers and Evaluators: A student team that are trained to carry out research into student priorities e.g. extra-curricular opportunities, rewards.
  • Peer Tutors: A developing programme to provide students with the opportunity to support staff or senior peers in delivering extra-curricular activities.
  • Lead Learners: A developing programme to provide senior students with the training and support to lead activities for younger peers.
  • Support buddies: Students who work with peers within the Inclusion faculty.
  • ICT Champions: Students are trained to support peers in specific areas of ICT.
  • Junior Sports Leaders: GCSE level and embedding with specific groups at KS3 Support Programmes and other opportunities that develop leadership
  • Other opportunities that develop leadership include: Music and Drama groups including school productions (all years), Wigan Athletic Enterprise Group (Y9), Life Project (Y8/9) and The Challenge (Y11 Leavers).

All training is delivered in house by staff. The school has also worked in partnership with UFA. For more details of their principles and support for young leaders please go to http://www.ufa.org.uk.