Faculty: Expressive Arts
Head of Faculty: Miss R Vanstone
The expressive Arts faculty is at the heart of Hawkley Hall High School. Our vision in Expressive Arts is to engage, inspire, motivate and challenge young minds. To provide young people with a varied, innovative and rigorous Expressive Arts curriculum. To use the Expressive Arts to foster confidence, self-expression and a growth mindset and to raise attainment at Hawkley Hall High School’. We are committed to removing all barriers to learning so our students can take risks, work collaboratively and autonomously, and reflect on their learning journey. Students are encouraged to be confident, resilient, and adaptive members of our school and wider community develop vital leadership, teamwork and independent learning skills and build a lifelong love of the Arts. This in turn, prepares our students for further study or their chosen career pathway.
The sequencing of the Expressive Arts Curriculum in all subject areas is in line with the national curriculum (Music/Art). Our curriculums are challenging and rigorous for all students, and allow them to access cultural capital and Life Skills, be made aware of Career opportunities and focus on literacy, reading and oracy. All our subject areas follow the Magenta principles, where students learn:
- The consequence of thinking
- That language is central to thinking
- That learning is an active process
All SOW, in different ways, work on teaching the elements of performance, composing, listening and appraising. We also aim to adapt learning through assessment objectives and challenge the higher ability through extended application of the interrelated dimensions of music/drama and art.
Students at Key Stage 3 are taught the three Expressive Arts subjects – drama, music, and art.
In year 7, 8 and 9 students study each subject for one hour a week and home learning tasks are set throughout each half term.
Drama, Music Art, Photography and Textiles are option subjects offered at KS4. In Year 10 students have three hours of learning time a week and in Year 11 students have two hours.