Please find the most common questions we get asked below. If there is anything else you think might be useful here please let us know.
What time does school start and finish?
School starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.10pm every day.
Does school finish early at half term?
School finishes at 3.00pm at half term, except at Christmas and Summer when school finishes at 12:15pm.
What colour outdoor coat can my child wear at school?
All outdoor coats need to be black.
What colour outdoor accessories can my child wear?
All hats and scarves need to be black. Hats are only permitted outside.
What length of skirt should girls wear?
Girls skirts should be knee length.
What type of bag is my child allowed for school?
It must be a sensible and strong bag, large enough to hold their books and PE kit. There is no set colour.
Can my child wear make up?
No, make up and fake tan are not to be worn in school. This is in line with the student uniform expectations.
Jewellery and acrylic/gel nails are also not permitted.
What type of shoe should my child wear?
All shoes should be black and a full smart shoe, no trainers or pumps are allowed.
I have an issue, who do I contact?
Please give our helpful Reception team a call who will be able to direct you to the correct person to deal with your query. Alternatively, please speak to your child's Head of Year.
01942 204640 is our contact number.