
Faculty: Mathematics

Head of Faculty: Miss T Sinclair


At Hawkley Hall High school our vision is promote a positive mind set and instil a culture of learning where every student believes that they have the capacity to be successful in and enjoy the learning experience of mathematics. We believe that hard work, determination, and a positive attitude is the key to improvement and that a sense of success is available to all students.
The mathematics team at Hawkley are passionate about delivering a high-quality curriculum that develops key skills such as logical reasoning, problem solving and perseverance, but which also promotes an appreciation of the importance of maths in society both past and present. Throughout their mathematical learning journey, staff encourage students to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and support them to solve problems that are of increasing difficulty through a ‘can do’ culture.
We aim to develop young people who are maths confident and who have the skills needed to be successful in life.

At Hawkley our intent is to deliver a curriculum of mathematics that is suitable and enjoyable for all, ensuring that all students are able to make progress in and enjoy the experience of learning the subject.

Overview of the Maths Curriculum

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

Year 9 Curriculum Overview

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Year 11 Curriculum Overview

GCSE Exam Board Specification

Please click here to view the GCSE specification

The mathematics faculty provide many opportunities for revision and extra-curricular activities:

  • Celebration of Pi day
  • Sparx maths for weekly homework
  • UKMT (Junior) - Year 7 and Year 8
  • UKMT (Intermediate) - Year 9 and Year 10
  • Year 11 revision before school (Thursdays)
  • KS4 revision at lunch time
  • Darts club
  • Curve stitching and spirograph club
  • Rubix cubes and connect 4 club