Head of PSHE: Mrs N Atherton


PSHE is central to all aspects of pupil learning at Hawkley High School. It emphasises and embeds the essential skills and attributes young people need to manage their lives, both now and in the future in a safe and supportive environment.  


PSHE is a crucial part of a child’s education and at the core of what we do at Hawkley High School. We provide a specifically tailored, relevant and meaningful curriculum that is both broad and balanced, meets the unique context of our school and is accessible for all.

Our curriculum enables our pupils to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the “whole child” intellectually, morally, socially and physically. With an ever-changing society, we are able to provide our pupils with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and support them in playing a positive role in contributing to the school and the wider community.  Our programme maximises the outcomes for every child building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.  

Weaving through the heart of our PSHE teaching, is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our Hawkley Way and our Hawkley Virtues with a strong emphasis on developing positive attitudes.  

Pupil participation is integral to the school’s vision and ethos; there are clear structures in place to capture pupils’ voice and pupils have a range of opportunities to influence decisions which affect them. Debate and discussion permeate our curriculum in order to allow pupil to respect one another’s different views and opinions in a respectful way.  

At Hawkley High School, we aim to prepare pupils adequately for adult life: its decisions, responsibilities, experiences and opportunities, and to allow pupils to develop fully as emotionally mature human beings. 

Learning Journey


Hawkley Virtues

In 2022, we launched the Hawkley Virtues. A set of 10 qualities that all of our students develop during their time at Hawkley High School. We are passionate about developing the whole child and allowing students opportunities to develop these virtues to enable them to leave school as a kind, respectful, resilient and aspirational young person who will make a positive contribution towards society. We have a specific virtue to focus on per month which is evident in the PSHE curriculum delivery, subject lessons and assembly themes. Students are awarded positive referrals on class charts for displaying and developing these virtues and awards and given out in celebration assemblies to recognise this.

PSHE engagement lessons and assemblies

Please click here to view our lessons and assemblies

PSHE is taught to KS3 for 1 hour per week by class teachers. Y10 and Y11 PSHE education is delivered by form teachers during the engagement period. We also study different topical issues once per week in engagement lessons during thoughtful Thursday for Y11 and Reflective Friday for Y7 - Y10 taught by form teachers. Assemblies are delivered with an emphasis on PSHE topics such as holocaust memorial day and mental health awareness etc. We host drop down activities where appropriate to respond feedback from our students or issues that arise in our school community or wider world. These occur once per term for Y10 and Y11. The religious education curriculum explores content including relationships, life and death, religious practices, human rights and good and evil. The behaviour curriculum is embedded throughout our PSHE projects teaching student to Hawkley Way.

We invite external agency speakers regularly into school to deliver workshops or assemblies and we hold drop down sessions throughout the year where we feel appropriate which responds to student feedback on any particular areas for more coverage on PSHE topics such as body image.

Relationships and Sex Education

RSE lessons in all year groups will include teaching about healthy relationships, including friendships and intimate relationships; families; growing and changing, including puberty; changing feelings; becoming more independent; keeping safe and consent; developing self-esteem and confidence. Pupils will also have opportunities to ask questions that help prepare them for relationships of all kinds in the modern world.
Please read the new School Policy on RSE below which includes the right to withdraw your child and the process for this.

PSHE Student Voice

We have a fantastic group of PSHE student leaders across all year groups who meet regularly with the head of PSHE to discuss curriculum content, assembly themes and topical issues that need addressing. They are fundamental to the planning and delivery of PSHE and drive lots of new initiatives within school. The PSHE student leaders show maturity, confidence, courage and leadership the way they support our PSHE programme.


The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. It is important that our students gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people.

The 9 Protected Characteristics are actively promoted in school through:

  • Our school core values
  • The Hawkley Way
  • Our school behaviour policy
  • Conscious role modelling by all adults in the school community
  • Assemblies
  • In the teaching of curriculum subjects
  • PSHE lessons
  • Relationships and sex education lessons
  • Religious education lessons
  • Student voice
  • Educational visits
  • Real-life learning outside the classroom
  • Displays
  • Guest speakers
  • Extra-curricular activities, after-school clubs, charity work and work within the local community
  • Engagement and communication with parents and carers

Hawkley British Values

We promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our students. As part of this, we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, mutual respect and individual liberty. When we understand our own values, other people’s values, the values influencing society and the values affecting our environment, this can positively impacting real-life situations.

The British Values are actively promoted in school through:

  • Our school core values
  • The Hawkley Way
  • Our school behaviour policy
  • Conscious role modelling by all adults in the school community
  • Assemblies
  • In the teaching of curriculum subjects
  • PSHE lessons
  • Relationships and sex education lessons
  • Religious Education lessons
  • Student Voice
  • Educational visits
  • Real-life learning outside the classroom
  • Displays
  • Guest speakers - UK Parliament Education team 2022
  • Extra-curricular activities / charity work / local community
  • Engagement and communication with parents and carers

Enrichment Opportunities

  • LGBTQ+ Club
  • Debate Society