
Faculty: Inclusion

Head of Faculty: Mrs F Holmes


Our vision for the Inclusion faculty is to utilize our SEND expertise to compliment the whole school curriculum to ensure that students with SEND can work towards living a fulfilled life, ensuring that the 5 years of learning that a child with SEND will experience is fruitful and effective in both terms of academic and social progress.

Students with SEND will be to think independently; to have the ability to manipulate information and then to use this information effectively and in doing so will lead to advanced performance both in the context of academic studies and personal development.

During their own personalised learning journey with the faculty, students with SEND will be supported in overcoming the significant barriers to learning and will enjoy a diverse range of experiences not previously encountered.

The curriculum within Inclusion will become progressively more challenging or complex and will demonstrate how students with SEND are progressing. The design of the curriculum will ensure that key factors of learning are fully embedded and sequential throughout the child’s learning journey.

Exam Board Specifications

Click here to view further information about the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness: click here


Additional information

Links to the local Wigan SEND offer, our SEND policy and accessibility plan are available in the statutory information section of our website.