Thank you for taking an interest in our school policies and procedures. We are currently working to align the timing of our policy review dates across the schools in the Rowan Learning Trust. As a result, the dates set for the annual reviews of some of the policies listed below may have passed. Please be assured that all the policies listed below will be reviewed in line with statutory timeframes by local governor committees during the current (2024-2025) academic year. If you require any further information, please contact the school. Thank you.’
Key Documents
As part of a multi-academy trust there are trust policies that all schools must work to in addition to the school specific policies found on the website.
We hope you find the information here useful. Paper copies of any policy documents are available on request, please contact the main office and this will be arranged for you. If you require further information on anything that you have found here, or that you cannot find here, please contact the school.
Hawkley Hall High School Specific Policies
- Accessibility plan information in relation to the physical environment
- Hawkley Admission Arrangements 2024-25
- Anti - bullying Policy 2024-25
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Charging-and-remissions-Policy
- Dealing with persistent or Vexatious Complaints policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Code of Practice
- Exclusion and Suspension Policy
- Health and Safety policy
- Online Safety Policy
- Recruitment Procedure
- Remote Learning Policy 2023
- RSE Policy
- Safeguarding Child Protection and Early Help Policy
- SEND Information report
- SEND Policy
- School Uniform Policy
- Wigan Local Offer
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy (Exams) - 2023
- RLT Freedom of Information policy
- Looked After Child Policy
- Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions
DfE Documentation